Meet the Author

Ed Wimberly, PhD, has maintained a professional career in private practice in California for over 45 years. Observations in his practice provide the rich backdrop for his written work.

Ed Wimberly began his professional career in private practice forty-five years ago in Santa Barbara, California. After earning a bachelor’s degree from Westmont College, he went on to receive a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Arizona State University (ASU) and then a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from United States International University (USIU) in San Diego, California.

His practice consists of treating not only individuals but cou­ples who are struggling in their marriages as well, and it is obser­vations made in his work that provide the backdrop for what his books and articles address.

Ed is the proud father of two grown and wonderful daughters, Ashley and Allyson, and a grandfather to two equally wonderful grandsons, Ben and Sam. He has been married to Joan, the love of his life, for forty-eight years.

Ed has authored two books, multiple articles, and continues in his private practice with individuals and couples in Santa Barbara. To maintain his own sanity, he likes to run (okay, trot), ride horses, play golf, constantly redo his home landscaping, travel, and spend time with Joan.

“C.S. Lewis once said that humility is not thinking less of yourself; it’s thinking of yourself less. I like that.”

“My definition of excellence: striving for perfection, knowing you won’t usually achieve it – and that’s okay.”

“Contrary to popular thought, all human behavior actually does make sense. If we knew ALL there is to know about a person, their actions – regardless of how unacceptable, how egregious – would make sense.”