
Ed Wimberly

Books and articles for good parents who want to be better parents…and for couples who want practical ways to improve their marriage.

Ed Wimberly has been in private practice for 45 years in Santa Barbara, California. Ed’s written work includes his first book Parenting With An Attitude…21 Questions Successful Parents Ask Themselves, newly released How They Make it Work…21 Habits of a Successful Marriage, and numerous articles. Ed’s personal and professional experiences provide the back drop for his writing.

How They Make It Work

How They Make it Work describes 21 of the most important habits commonly found in healthy and vibrant marriage relationships. It’s a good start when repairing a damaged marriage to work on removing destructive habits, but that’s not enough. Those old habits must be replaced with new and improved ones – habits that will reshape and strengthen rather than damage and undermine. At the end of each chapter there are several questions designed to help you process together the new habits that are being suggested. Since they have worked for others, there is more than a good chance they will work for you.  LEARN MORE   |  VIEW VIDEO

“Dr. Wimberly has with wisdom, humor and common sense, translated psychological principles into a highly useful guide for couples who want to improve their relationship”.

Dr. James Hilkey, Forensic psychologist

Parenting with an Attitude

It is understandable that most parents these days are looking for answers to questions they have that will help them raise healthy and well balanced kids. To that end, Parenting With An Attitude focuses on 21 of the most helpful questions we parents can ask ourselves. What is different about this book is that, rather than addressing our kids’ attitudes, our attitudes toward our kids is the focus. Rather than attempting to extract attitude changes in them, fine-tuning our attitudes will in turn likely result in improved attitudes in them. In turn, the results are likely to be healthy and responsible kids who grow up to be well-adjusted adults.  LEARN MORE   |  VIEW VIDEO

“This is a ‘wow’ book–a very, very, very good book that all parents should read. If you want to help your kids, read this fabulous book by Dr. Ed Wimberly.”

Dr. Laura Schlessinger,
Radio talk show host & best selling author

Article Series

Improve core relationship dynamics with a focused study series.
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Authority-Based Parenting

What sets authority-based parenting apart from power-based parenting is not just our behavioral response and actions, but our motivations and attitudes that come along with our corrective responses. This 7 part series explains the significant differences.


Making Your Marriage Work

This series is to encourage those who are over worked and under satisfied in their relationship, to reconsider that just maybe a successful marriage is possible. There is hope for reviving the relationship that once excited, invigorated, and enlivened both of you.


Discipline-Based Parenting

In our everyday conversation, most of us use the words “punishment” and “discipline” interchangeably. Is there really a difference? The purpose of this series is to suggest the significant distinctions we must make between the two to be successful parents.


10 False Assumptions of Parenting

In just about all areas of life – and especially in our relationships – we humans tend to make lots of assumptions. This series of 10 articles tackle one assumption at a time to help you discover where you might be stuck and move towards becoming a better parent.


“What our kids hear us say about them helps create a road map for how they see themselves and what they decide they have to offer as human beings.”

“Without vulnerability there can be no intimacy. If you want more emotional intimacy, take the risk of being more vulnerable.”

“We are shaped not so much by the mistakes others have made when we were young, but rather, by how we choose now to respond to those mistakes.”